Surface Engineering
New manufacturing routes (for NiCrSiFeB alloys) to replace cobalt in aircraft components.


The main objective of NEMARCO is to select the adequate chemical composition(s) and manufacturing process parameters for obtaining sealing rings of nickel self-fluxing alloys that can offer the required performance against high-temperature (HT) wear and overcome the health potential issue regarding wear particles Cobalt alloys (current solution) in cabin air. Two manufacturing routes: Horizontal Centrifugal Casting (CC) and Laser Metal Deposition (LMD), will be studied.

The achievement of this objective is based on a well-structured approach that combines (i) a preliminary selection of NiCrSiFeB commercial compositions that can favour manufacturing processability while improving wear behaviour at HT supported by simulation of phase’s formation, segregation, precipitation and diffusion phenomena to predict microstructure formation, as well as process simulation to evaluate specific conditions for solidification. (ii) Robust manufacturing study of both processing routes supported by advanced data analytics of all process and product related variables, allowing to identify those parameters with the highest influence and thus, support in the definition of the optimal manufacturing conditions. (iii) Extensive tribological studies at high temperature. This will support for the selection of the best composition and manufacturing solution of NiCrSiFeB alloys as replacement of the actual Cobalt alloys to produce aeronautic parts. (iv) A rigorous LCA/LCC and a preliminary toxicity analysis, leading to a deeper knowledge of environmental performance and economic impact of the solution. The project will contribute on a reduction of fuel consumption, healthier cabin air and a reduction of costs for a more competitive EU aircraft industry. The implementation is carried out by a multidisciplinary consortium formed by experts in LMD (LORTEK), CC (AZTERLAN), HT behaviour of materials and wear particles characterization (ECL-LTDS and CIDETEC) and LCA/LCC and toxicity analysis (CTME).

CIDETEC’s role in the project:

CIDETEC will be the WP3 leader, related to Metallurgical and Tribological Characterisation, collaborating very closely with ECL-LTDS. A comparative analysis between Ni-based self-fluxing alloys and Co-based alloy will be carried out.


Start: 01 | 01 | 2021

End: 31 | 12 | 2023

Budget: 749.991,25 €



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This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101007948. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Clean Sky 2 JU members other than the Union


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