20 | 06 | 2024

CIDETEC Surface Engineering and Hyundai Motor Company / KIA join forces

Surface Engineering

Researching lighter and more sustainable materials for future electric and autonomous vehicles

CIDETEC Surface Engineering and Hyundai Motor Company / KIA will engage in a strategic collaboration to research and develop new solutions in more sustainable and lightweight materials to be used in future autonomous and electric vehicles. This project focuses on addressing two major critical challenges for the advancement of tomorrow’s mobility:

Reducing the weight of automotive parts:

The structures of vehicles, traditionally made from aluminum or steel, present a significant challenge in terms of weight. The collaboration will focus on the use of composite materials based on polymer matrices to lighten body parts, which is essential for improving the efficiency and range of electric vehicles.

Reduce the environmental impact:

A key objective is the use of more sustainable and recyclable materials. This approach not only aims to reduce the carbon footprint of vehicle manufacturing but also to promote a more sustainable lifecycle for the materials used.

The collaboration will leverage CIDETEC Surface Engineering’s advanced 3R technology (Recyclable, Reusable, and Reprocessable). Through this, various solutions will be explored to ensure the recyclability of thermoset composite materials. This innovative approach will not only significantly reduce the environmental impact of the automotive sector but also facilitate the transition towards a lighter, more sustainable, and connected mobility model.

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