CIDETEC Surface Engineering

Smarter surfaces that
make a difference

The skin of things

Cidetec is a key international player in research and innovation related to surface engineering and polymeric and composite materials. We specialise in processing surfaces and materials through disruptive technologies, ultimately aiming at technological transfer that will ensure the right solution for each customer.

We focus on:

  • Developing REACH-compliant coatings and surfaces that provide multifunctional properties such as corrosion and wear resistance, protection against hydrogen embrittlement or fouling, electromagnetic transparency, customised aesthetics, omniphobicity and conductivity enhancement.

  • Developing new innovative, sustainable polymeric materials based on biomass waste, self-healing elastomers, thermoplastic formulations with custom properties, and our own 3R patented technology (Reprocessable, Repairable and Recyclable thermoset composites).

We are Spain's only technological centre specialising in Surface Engineering. Aligned with sustainability and environmental policies, we count on state-of-the-art equipment and facilities paired with a multidisciplinary team of experts that will help accelerate your company's innovation process.

researchers & technicians
Spin-offs: INNOMAT,
European Projects
(12 of them coordinated)
Patent families

A major player in surface engineering

4.000 sqm of state-of-the-art facilities equipped with cutting-edge technology

Visit our centre

We are part of a great technological complex made up of three leading international institutes in energy storage, surface engineering and nanomedicine

Cidetec Global Figures

260 Clients engaged in R&D in 2022
260 People in workforce
8 Spin-offs
82 H2020 & HEU Projects
32 Active patent families
20 Thesis in progress

Spanish associations and networks

International associations and networks